Veterinary Pathology Image Database
In this website, you will find a variety of images related to veterinary pathology, corresponding to different organs and systems, and belonging to different domestic and wild animal species.
The objective of this website is exclusively educational. Therefore, it would be very grateful if these pictures are only used for this purpose.
eClinPath is a website aimed at explaining the different techniques of analysis: haematology, cytology, urinalysis, hemostasis tests, and biochemistry. Each technique is described, and the different results possible are detailed, including the clinical interpretation of the tests. There is a very complete database of images, especially the microscopic observation of samples. There is a clinical case per week to practice your knowledge and diagnosis.
Merck Manuals
The Merck Veterinary Manual is one of the most famous veterinary encyclopedia in the world. Here the student/vet can search everything related to veterinary medicine, as for example:
1) Veterinary Encyclopedia (Medicine, Surgery, Pharmacology etc)
2) Atlas of Symptomatology (a helper to diagnose easy a disease)
3)Multimedia (Drawings, Photos, Videos, Audio, Cytology smears, Histopathology sections etc).
All the information on bacterial species, including biochemistry tests to confirm species e.g. gram stain, catalase test etc. It is very useful for confirming the diagnosis and establishing effective treatment against it. This website is good for essays and helping with cases and clinical scenarios.