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Partner Projects

FVE was part of the EU- JAMRAI Stakeholders Forum. They have contributed with advice, input from the veterinary sector and dissemination of information to the work of the following
work-packages (WP):

  • · WP 4 on Integration in national policies and sustainability,

  •  WP 7 on Appropriate use of antimicrobials in humans and animals and

  • WP9 on Prioritising and implementing research and innovation of public health needs.

European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

FVE is a partner in the AVANT projects consortium and will contribute to the activities of WP 8 such as Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication.

European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program

FVE is a part of the DECIDE Advisory Board (Wiebke Jansen)

FVE is a part of the DISCONTOOLS Project Management Board (Nancy De Briyne)

Financial support of a range of national funders in the EU

FVE is a part of the ROADMAP advisory board. (Jan Vaarten)





FVE is a partner in the PPP FAST disease partnership.


FVE is a part of the ZAPI Stakeholders Advisory Board

Member of the Advisory Committee

European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. The Chinese part isfunded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China.
FVE is a partner in the HealthyLivestock projects consortium leading work package 6: communication, dissemination and
exploitation of the project. FVE is also a member of the overall
EU-China coordination group.


European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program

FVE is a part of the ClearFarm Stakeholders Advisory Board (Nancy De Briyne and Yael Dotan)



FVE is a part of the Advisory Board Dr Paul Roger represent FVE as an expert in small ruminants

FVE is member of some working groups. Reach-out taskforce (involved in the dissemination of the project tasks such as surveys and guidelines). Jobke Van Hout as FVE representative in WP4, guideline development.

FVE is one of the RIBMINS stakeholders with a direct interest in the field and keeps following the recent developments of the project. Arne Skjoldager, former FVE vice-president, attends the general conferences while several FVE colleagues sit in the technical working groups.

FVE is a member of the HoloRuminant Stakeholder Group (Gregory Schoonbroodt)

Involvement FVE: member of Expert Advisory panel.

Chair Advisory Board

VetCEE (Veterinary Continuous Education in Europe), is a partner of the HERMES consortium and leader of the Intellectual outcome 2 (IO2). EVERI Section of FVE has been contributing with expertise and support to the project, while FVE follows up the works and will contribute with dissemination of results.

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IVSA SCOVE | Est. 2017

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