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The online surveys are created to analyse the factors affecting veterinary education directly or indirectly in veterinary faculties/colleges/universities worldwide.

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Financial Burden  of Veterinary School on Students

Student loan debt is no joke, neither is the disparity when it comes to the work input of a veterinarian vs their salary. This survey conducted by IVSA SCoVE, reached out to 130 veterinary students, from 36 universities around the globe to bring to light the economic load they shoulder. We have highlighted the consequences student loan debt has on mental wellness, future career prospects, choice of veterinary school amongst many other key factors in a students life. Read the full article to find out the impact of debt on a student’s choices and well-being.


The New Generation of Learning

Have you ever felt your curriculum at vet school needs a serious upgrade with new career fields and technologies coming up every year? Read further into this survey conducted by IVSA SCoVE, with over 250 participants worldwide sharing their views on the current form of veterinary education followed in their universities. Here we found out which subjects vet school tends to over-emphasize on and which are left behind in the haste. Students also discussed the manner of learning and teaching most practised in their areas as well improvements that can be made for it. Lastly, we gained more insight into the role vet school has on the career goals of its students, before and after attending school.

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Health Risks for Veterinary Students in Training

The consequence of zoonosis in the modern world has been sufficiently proved by the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. Veterinarians and veterinary students face an occupational hazard daily in the form of zoonoses. This survey carried out by IVSA SCoVE collected the experience of 600 students worldwide and aimed to analyse the danger of infectious diseases on students in training. Students were questioned on the type of disease they contracted and the effectiveness of measures taken by their place of training to prevent such maladies. In our society, it is important for concerned authorities and universities to assess the possible health risks presented to their faculty and student body as well as place protective measures to safeguard them.


Pandemic Veterinary Education and Emergency Online Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected veterinary education since most institutions had to abruptly shift to emergency online learning. The Standing Committee on Veterinary Education of the International Veterinary Students' Association has established research that assesses the development of veterinary education and its quality experienced by students, since the outbreak of the pandemic. This survey was conducted among randomly selected 662 veterinary students from all over the world, with a majority from Europe and Asia.

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IVSA SCOVE | Est. 2017

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